6 Visual Poems

Max Lewy
May 4, 2021

Max J. Lewy (1983-) was born in the ex-coal-mining area of the South Wales valleys, U.K. to a Jewish father and English mother, and is now a recovering patient of Mental Health System abuses. He studied Philosophy at Warwick University, undergoing a spiritual transition & potential breakthrough which was aborted and derailed by misplaced ‘treatment’. He spent 6 months living on the street as a runaway from NHS ‘services’ in Brighton. He self-published his first book of poetry, “Madness: a form of love” in 2018, detailing his ordeals as a form of therapy (#PoetryNotPills #MeditationNotSedation). He released several books in another series, entitled “Gaslit By A Madman”, containing a unique & imaginatively elaborated “philosophy of madness” in 2019 & 2020.

Originally published at http://www.miserytourism.com on May 4, 2021.



Max Lewy

A mad-eyed philosopher letting loose exquisitely choreographed “howls” (see Ginsberg) against the crazed ‘sanity’ that attempts to subdue & destroy human spirit